Wednesday, 15 February 2017


When the bright and shining day boiled down to a deep darkened night,
Its remains were burnt, charred and way beyond recognition.

But it was clinging on, I saw, to my amazed chagrin, 
Stiffly, strongly, it held on, to the sticky sides of the non-stick pot I was boiling it in.

The pot of time... on the fire of life. 
I...her unending 'worries'...I...her 'nightmares'....I...'the summation of all her negative thoughts in the day'
was cooking up her heart, her mind, her very well being...

A war you want?
A war you'll get woman!

Undeterred, I lower the lively flame, pour some icy calm water and stir with all my might , to ‘linger on’ the matter cooking inside.

But it hisses back at me, this time with a bigger flame, and puts the pot itself on fire!


Red and yellow, 
Orange and white, 
The fiery flickers leapt angrily at me
and my burning blistering body.
Scalding heat pierced through my veins 
and entered my wide open eyes
open with shock
open with rage
anger at being fought back!

A fire had broken, all around, me and the pot
A fire so bright that I shut my eyes

She had given a good fight

I had to give in
Weakened, crushed and defeated,
I awaited my death.

A hushed silence

Darkness....blackness all about

Long relaxed breathes....the sounds of victory

The woman has won...

The woman, has fallen asleep....

But die I have not
I...her the unending 'worries'...I...her 'nightmares'....I...'the summation of all her negative thoughts in the day'

Gnawing at the remains of her miseries, 
I have life left still

Slowly, silently, before I know, 
I again feel the change...

The skimpy, clingy, blackened night, 
had been changing 'colors'

and now
it has metamorphosed
as if by magic

 into a blindingly golden day.

Magic indeed, it is.
The magic of a willful wishful mind.

I crouch behind,
Behind the dazed mind
Beside a little lazy thought.

I am small and feeble
downsized by the fight of last night

But I wait ...
for fresh worries, unknown doubts, new negativities
to enter her system
once again
throughout this ever-potent day

Till I strike back afresh

To lighten the fire anew 
Later tonight and the next night and again the next
to put the pot right back on

And cook, and stir, and fry!

...All her insides...

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